8 easy ways to stop snoring

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Aww! How disgusting it is to sleep near a snorer! But, have you ever thought of any way to help your snoring partner rather than scolding and blaming for sleepless nights? Many of us don’t do it. Poor snorers without any fault they always get blamed for disturbing others’ sleep.

Keeping rudeness aside, here’s something that can actually help your snoring partner. Want to know how?

•    Opt for anti snoring solutions like nasal strips, mouthpiece, nasal drops and pills. These are very much effective for curing snores. But prior to that, do you know what actually causes snoring? No idea? In a nutshell it is caused due to blockage of the nasal airway. Medically it is also known as sleep apnea.

•    Do not stress your partner, especially for few hours before going to bed. Usually it has been seen that people who sit for a heat debate or serious discussions hours before going to the bed often snore more rapidly. Hence make your pre-sleep hours as light and fun filled as you can. And only a partner can do it much better!

•    Deposition of fat tissues is also another probable cause. Avoid it. Exercise a lot and lose your weight.
•    If you are snoring hard, it’s high time to say goodbye to all your addicts.
•    If you are taking any sort of pills or sedatives, discontinue their usage too.
•    Make a bed time ritual and stick to it.
•    Always clear the nasal passage.
•    Keep the bedroom well ventilated and dust your mattress every single day.

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